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Kurdish Course on Duolingo - an excellent idea

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Kurdish Course on Duolingo - an excellent idea

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:13 am

Information from a friend - I am unsure if campaign is still active - Anthea
Kurdish Course on Duolingo

I hereby write to inform you about our new initiative to get the attention of Duolingo, the world’s biggest free language-learning program. Duolingo has more than 300 million registered users and offers 94 different language courses in 23 languages. The reason that we want the attention of Duolingo is because we want Duolingo to add a Kurdish course, starting with Kurmanji, on their platform.

On 03 may 2020 our initiative started with the launching of our Twitter account @Duolingokurdi. This Twitter account aims to gather people who want to see a Kurdish course on Duolingo. In just a few days we have more than 500 followers and hundreds of people who are sharing our messages on Twitter. This shows that our initiative is very promising and a lot of people are looking forward to see a Kurdish course on Duolingo.

However, this amount of attention is not enough to convince Duolingo, it is only a good start. We have to work harder and gather more people on Twitter, but also on other social media platforms. It is a big challenge to gather people, it will be a long challenge, but we are confident that our initiative will succeed. We believe that the strong will and the desire of the people who support this initiative will convince Duolingo to develop a Kurdish course.

Get involved, together we can do it!

When you are pressed for time you can still help us with following our Twitter account @Duolingokurdi and sharing our tweets. When you have more time, we call you to make a comment on the Kurdish language thread on the forum of Duolingo. A hype, e.g. most of the people are writing a comment on the forum’s thread within 1 month and then stop commenting which will lead to a decrease of the activity on the thread, is not enough. We need regular comments, e.g. on a weekly basis, to show Duolingo that people really want this course.

Moreover, if you are bilingual, either Kurdish-English or Kurdish-Turkish and experienced in language teaching, we call you to fill this Incubator form in in order to help developing a Kurdish program, after Duolingo decides to develop a Kurdish course. Duolingo’s Incubator allows hundreds of volunteers to give life to new language courses. A new language can not be developed without volunteers, so we would be highly appreciated if you or someone you know, will volunteer to develop this course.

If you want to join our team and help gathering more people and/or have another ideas which can contribute to this initiative, you can send us a Direct Message on Reddit, a message on Twitter, or you can mail to We will reply as soon as possible!
Good Thoughts Good Words Good Deeds
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Kurdish Course on Duolingo - an excellent idea



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