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Food and Health Room

PostAuthor: Piling » Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:20 am

Menu of the Day :

Breakfast :

Coffee, sugar (not good), a slice of bread (not good), butter, saint nectaire.

Lunch :

Courgettes, tomatoes, tuna and fromage blanc, in oven. With basilic, and many spices.

Snack :

1 magnum (not good, but a holiday ritual), a glass of sparkling water, slices of lemon, ice.

Dinner :

Black pudding grilled in oven, vegetables soup, 2 glass of whisky (Aberlour).
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Food and Health Room



Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Piling » Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:38 pm

Recipe : skewers of black pudding and bacon

take of the skin of the pudding, and cut it in rondelles, not too thin.

Wrap the rondelles in slices of thin bacon (lard).

Skewer them and let them grill in the oven, c. 20 mn.

You can add piece of apple between the meat.
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Piling » Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:09 am

I will try also the chocolate discipline to support Anthea :p

Seems very simple : starting and ending each meal by eating a small piece of dark chocolate (70%, more…).

Chocolate diet was very fashionable in Europe between 17th-18th century, when Spain launched the product. A diet 'très Grand Siècle'.

Breakfast :

Coffee, bread and butter, saint nectaire.

Lunch :

Roasted chicken, salad of lettuce.

Snack :

1 magnum, 1 sparkling water with ice and lemon slice.

Dinner :

Stuffed onions, 2 glasses of red wine.
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:59 am

I have only just discovered that Saint-Nectaire is a French cheese

I thought it was something sweet with fruit in :))
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Piling » Fri Aug 29, 2014 9:05 am

Lol, I will teach you something : each time a French comestible or drinkable thing has a name like Saint X or Y, you can be sure it is a cheese or a wine. That tells a lot about the real French religion :lol:
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Aug 29, 2014 9:17 am

Piling wrote:Lol, I will teach you something : each time a French comestible or drinkable thing has a name like Saint X or Y, you can be sure it is a cheese or a wine. That tells a lot about the real French religion :lol:

I nearly fell off my chair laughing =)) =)) =))
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Piling » Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:02 am

A Kurdish Jew from Amadia, serving pork belly in London. I am not surprising, Jews from Amadia were always free-thinkers :
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:27 am

Piling wrote:A Kurdish Jew from Amadia, serving pork belly in London. I am not surprising, Jews from Amadia were always free-thinkers :

The food looks good :D
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Piling » Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:37 pm

Bought 4 bars of different dark chocolate, very intense (70%- 85%) and chocolate powder (sugarless) Van Houten. Le chocolat à la parisienne is prepared without milk, just hot water, and sugar if you like. Brazilian chocolate is melt with a strong black coffee. We can add spices in it.

So the good point for me is that chocolates not only a sweet thing. I used also sugarless dark Van Houten for a wine sauce, very good for game meat.
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:01 pm

Piling wrote:Bought 4 bars of different dark chocolate, very intense (70%- 85%) and chocolate powder (sugarless) Van Houten. Le chocolat à la parisienne is prepared without milk, just hot water, and sugar if you like. Brazilian chocolate is melt with a strong black coffee. We can add spices in it.

So the good point for me is that chocolates not only a sweet thing. I used also sugarless dark Van Houten for a wine sauce, very good for game meat.

Why is it called game - I am sure the pheasant did not look on it as a game :shock:
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Piling » Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:17 am

Since yesterday, lost 1 kg, lol.

Today I begin seriously my low carbs – chocolate diet.

When I mention '10 g of chocolate' it means that I cut in 2 portions a carré and I eat 1 half before to start my meal, and the other half at the end.

Breakfast :

Black coffee with sugar and cocoa, a slice of bread, butter and a spoon of honey & royal jelly + 10 g of dark chocolate with cocoa beans.

Lunch :

Pork chop, salad of lettuce, 10 g of chocolate.

Snack :

1 magnum, sparkling water with lemon slice and ice.

Dinner :

crème de légumes, salade de poulpes, tomates et concombre, 2 glasses of Bordeaux rouge, 10 g chocolate.
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:39 pm

Sadly I am too stressed out to cut down on chocolate at the moment

But if I had a skewer I know where I would put it and there would be one less Kurds in the world X(
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Piling » Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:59 pm

Don't cut down : Eat ONLY chocolate, and I am sure you'll be better. :-D
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Londoner » Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:32 am

Piling wrote:Menu of the Day :

Breakfast :

Coffee, sugar (not good), a slice of bread (not good), butter, saint nectaire.

Coffee and sugar cause cancer and diabetes. Bread is good if it is whole grain and chewed at least 30 times or until melts in the mouth.
Butter is good only if it is cholesterol lowering type. The rest including extra virgin oil are oxidised and causes free radicals. I don't know what is St nectaire.

Lunch :

Courgettes, tomatoes, tuna and fromage blanc, in oven. With basilic, and many spices.

Good only if moderately steamed.
Snack :

1 magnum (not good, but a holiday ritual), a glass of sparkling water, slices of lemon, ice.

Too bad, apart from the slice lemon.

Dinner :

Black pudding grilled in oven, vegetables soup, 2 glass of whisky (Aberlour).

Too bad.

Watch for my article entitled: 'No one dies because of the old age'. The article is a conclusion from reading a book entitled; 'The Enzyme Factor' by Dr Hiromy Shinya MD.
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Re: Food Room

PostAuthor: Piling » Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:22 am

Coffee and sugar cause cancer and diabetes.

I will NEVER NEVER miss my coffee at morning I rather to die :-D Don't care of health, in fact, it is for 'ma ligne'. :lol:

This is saint nectaire :

Concerning the magnum, I eat only ice creams the last week of holidays, generally, I never eat sweet things. Or is sparkling water the bad one ? :p I love sparkling water, Perrier, etc, never drink soft sodas and sweet drinks.

At dinner, what is too bad : Aberlour or Black pudding ? :-D

Today is sunday, so not much diet :

Breakfast :

Coffee, sugar, cottage cheese, honey.

Lunch :

Apéritif :
Foie gras, Rivesaltes.

Plat de résistance : Moroccan köfte with tomatoes & semolina.

Cheese : various French cheeses (among our 400 sorts, we have choice); a glass of Porto.

Tea, dark chocolate.

Dinner :

Wholemeal bread, saint nectaire, ham, 2 glasses of red wine (Bordeaux).

And before and after all the meal, small pieces of chocolate = 30 g.
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