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PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:12 pm

Author Mehdî Kakeyî

It is necessary to point out that the Yarsan religion is an extension of the beliefs of the ancestors of the Kurds, such as the Sumerians, the Hurrians - Mitanni, the Hittites and the Kakeyî. So, it is useful to define the ancestors of the Kurds, Hurrians for their relation to the subject


Dr. Jamal Rashid Ahmed says that the Hurrian appeared since the third millennium BC, and it was mentioned in the cuneiform records in the second millennium BC that the Hurrians were the inhabitants of the areas located on the Little Zab River and the plains of (Bitwana), (Kirkuk), (Mosul), (Wan), (Al-Jazeera), and the valleys of the Khabur River, reaching the current city of (Aleppo) and its outskirts.

Dr. Jamal Rashid Ahmed indicates that "Geiger" mentions that the name of the Hurrian is linked to the name of the god (Khawar “HVAR") the god of the sun, as the name of the sun in the Kurdish language is still "Khor". This naming in Subartu and its deepening with a religious concept and then with a national concept for all the people who believed in the sun and light god in Subartu from Gutians, Lulus and Kassites, has a great historical significance, as it means that this human group worshipped a common god and performed common religious rituals.

The religions that were prevalent in Subartu claimed the priority and greatness of the sun god among other gods. Dr. Jamal Rashid Ahmed continues in his talk that the name of the sun god still remains in the same region in the form of "Khormatoo" (The town of Khormato, Taza Khormato), as is the case with the name "Baghdadtu" which was transformed into (Bagadad "Baghdad") meaning the gift of Baga (God).

Thus, the sanctification of nature and the worship of its powers were prevalent in the beliefs of the Subarians (Hurrians), as the equilateral Hurrians-Mitanni cross was a symbol of the god "Mithra". This cross is still drawn on the bodies of sick children and placed on the necks of children and pets, and is also drawn on household items, as sun worship was a prevalent worship among the peoples of the Middle East and Egypt.

The worship of the sun still remains in the Yarsan religion. The sun was the first God of the Subarians (Hurrians), and then the other planets, especially Venus and the moon, come after the sun in sanctity and worship, so the Subarians and other ancient Zagros peoples made the graves of their dead facing the sunrise as a result of their veneration of the sun God and they buried the belongings of the deceased person with him in his grave.

It is also useful to say that the Subarians respected other religions, in addition to preserving their religious beliefs and they prevented extremism and violence.

We conclude from the above that Yarsanism is an extension of the beliefs of the ancestors of the Kurds, such as the Sumerians, the Hurrians - Mitanni, the Hittites and the Kakeyî, as the word (Khor) and (Hor) remain in the Kurdish language and mean (sun). The name (Hurrians) indicates that they are followers of the solar religion.

As mentioned above, the Hurrians moved from the Zagros Mountains to the plain areas of Kurdistan around 3000 BC, which means that the Yarsan belief is much older than 5000 years, as they must have also been followers of the Yarsan belief in their original homeland (the Zagros Mountains) before migrating to the plain areas of Kurdistan.

On the other hand, the ancestors of the Mitanni Kurds established their kingdom around 1450 BC, and they followed the Mithraic religion. The Mitanni merged with the Hurrians and acquired the sun veneration and the Hurrian language from the Hurrians.

This means that the Yarsan belief is much older than the Mithraic religion and that Mithraism is an extension of the Hurrian belief. Mithra, who was a Mitanni, adopted the Hurrian beliefs. Mithra made some modifications to the Hurrian beliefs, especially the gods.

This Mitanni religion is called Mithraism, which preserved the Hurrian sun worship, as Mithra became the sun God. Accordingly, Mithra can be considered the renewer of the Hurrian beliefs, or rather, Mithraism is a branch of the Hurrian beliefs.
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