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US Shoot down Turkish drone in Syria Oct 2023

If you have been missing the news, follow the PKK's bombing in Ankara, Turkey's Logic is to attack Syrian Kurds infrastructure and civilians, bombing water, elecreicity Ofcourse to civilized rational world this is not logical but this is how a racist system reacts, attacking any Kurd anywhere regard...
Author: dyaoko
Sat Oct 07, 2023 6:08 am
Forum: Kurdistan Today News (Only News)
Topic: US Shoot down Turkish drone in Syria Oct 2023
Replies: 0
Views: 3000

Mala Bakhtiar's words for history After PUK's 5th Congress

Mala Bakhtiar's words for history After PUK's 5th Congress he talked about very interesting facts about PUK's 5th congress and warned about the future of PUK due to Bafel's Unitarian actions, and warned that if any party goes to baghdad alone to make a temporary deal it will put Kurdistan in danger....
Author: dyaoko
Sat Oct 07, 2023 5:22 am
Forum: Kurdistan Today News (Only News)
Topic: Mala Bakhtiar's words for history After PUK's 5th Congress
Replies: 1
Views: 3098

Erdogan to attack N Syria, US to pull out What to do ?

Another october ! another tough times for kurdistan
Author: dyaoko
Mon Oct 07, 2019 5:40 am
Forum: Kurdistan Debates, Articles and Analysis
Topic: Erdogan to attack N Syria, US to pull out What to do ?
Replies: 19
Views: 41285

Re: Criticize Kurdistan Here.

Lack of unity during emergency situations: In all countries there is an opposition and they really harshly criticize each other and attack each other but during most crucial times they unite under one leader, for example in USA when 9/11 happened regradless of how much democrats hated bush, they all...
Author: dyaoko
Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:15 pm
Forum: Kurdistan Debates, Articles and Analysis
Topic: Criticize Kurdistan Here.
Replies: 4
Views: 20769

Re: List of name for Kurdish leadership please take seriousl

I nominate Shevan Perwer.

I think all Kurds respect him, nobody doubts his love for Kurdistan.
We need to go ask him to accept this nomination.
Author: dyaoko
Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:19 pm
Forum: Kurdistan Debates, Articles and Analysis
Topic: List of name for Kurdish leadership please take seriously
Replies: 8
Views: 25797

Re: al-Abadi: Iraq to end semi-independent rule in Kurdistan

this is more like a news, better to move it to news room.
this room is good for when you have a question or arugments, and u want debate on it.
Author: dyaoko
Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:11 pm
Forum: Kurdistan Debates, Articles and Analysis
Topic: Empty just me playng and testing gone but not forgotten
Replies: 2
Views: 11829

Re: Who controls BBCS ? Why BBC has no kurdish section?

here is one answer I found in Twitter

"BP (British Petroleum) started operating Kirkuk oil. UK had a reason to be against KRG referendum&now backing #PMF and Iraqi army."
Author: dyaoko
Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:39 pm
Forum: Kurdistan Debates, Articles and Analysis
Topic: Who controls BBCS ? Why BBC has no kurdish section?
Replies: 2
Views: 14739

Who controls BBCS ? Why BBC has no kurdish section?

BBC boradcasts in many languages, sometimes languages close to each other (in Afghanistan for example) but they never ever had a Kurdish section ? The very old BBC news about Kurds has been wrtitten in a way that one would think, they REALLY REALLY hate kurds. like with all their hearts. and Brititi...
Author: dyaoko
Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:15 pm
Forum: Kurdistan Debates, Articles and Analysis
Topic: Who controls BBCS ? Why BBC has no kurdish section?
Replies: 2
Views: 14739

Re: Kurdish Journalist barbarically killed by shia militia

More info :

His name was Erkan Sharif,
The Kurdistan Journalist Syndicate condemns barbaric killing of Erkan Sharif
Read more here in in Kurdish
Author: dyaoko
Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:05 pm
Forum: Kurdistan Today News (Only News)
Topic: Kurdish Journalist barbarically killed by shia militia
Replies: 2
Views: 16109

Kurdish Journalist barbarically killed by shia militia

We need to make an international case out of this. after banning Kurdistan24 and Rudaw in Iraq now they stabbed Kurdistan TV's cameraman Kurdish TV reporter stabbed to death by #Iraq & #Iran backed terrorist shiite group (Hasd Al Shabi) in Daquq,Kirkuk
Author: dyaoko
Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:59 pm
Forum: Kurdistan Today News (Only News)
Topic: Kurdish Journalist barbarically killed by shia militia
Replies: 2
Views: 16109


Iraq: Fresh evidence that tens of thousands forced to flee Tuz Khurmatu amid indiscriminate attacks, lootings and arson 24 October 2017, 10:45 UTC Within hours the lives of countless men, women and children were devastated in Tuz Khurmatu. Lynn Maalouf, Director of Research for the Middle-East at A...
Author: dyaoko
Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:02 am
Forum: Kurdistan Today News (Only News)
Replies: 416
Views: 829078

Re: collecting evidence on betrayal for history

Aras Shekh Jangi in Gali Kurdistan TV said : Peshmerga didn't fight ISIS, airstrikes killed them and we only took selfies with their bodies. What a shame, more than 2000 peshmergas been killed fighiting ISIS, after betraying peshmerga in the front line now he offends them this way? I wonder what kin...
Author: dyaoko
Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:09 am
Forum: Kurdistan Today News (Only News)
Topic: collecting evidence on betrayal for history
Replies: 12
Views: 45321

Criticize Kurdistan Here.

After Kerkuk Loss, we here a lot of criticize from here and there, lets collect these criticizes for the time after war, we will work on them and make ourselves, better, please post your criticize here. plz dont offend anyone and dont use bad language. 1- Leaders and powers are herditory Nobody knew...
Author: dyaoko
Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:22 am
Forum: Kurdistan Debates, Articles and Analysis
Topic: Criticize Kurdistan Here.
Replies: 4
Views: 20769


an open letter to US senate and Congress By way of introduction, my name is __ I have always loved America because, to me, America stands for liberty, freedom of expression, and democracy. Why am I contacting you ? The Kurds are America...
Author: dyaoko
Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:20 am
Forum: Kurdistan Today News (Only News)
Replies: 416
Views: 829078

Re: collecting evidence on betrayal for history

unfortunately ranj talabani deleted most of the tweets, I was about to collect the likes. here is for history, he had a tweet that said Kurds would be happy that a legal head of state (ebadi) topple an illegal dictator (barzani) and all the people who had liked his tweet (200 people) were Iranian Ba...
Author: dyaoko
Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:10 pm
Forum: Kurdistan Today News (Only News)
Topic: collecting evidence on betrayal for history
Replies: 12
Views: 45321

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